Spaarnestad Photo

Spaarnestad Photo is the largest photo archive of the Netherlands containing 12 million prints and negatives.
A treasure representing recent history through journalistic and documentary photography. National as well as international historical events, from the early days of photography until the beginning of the 21st century: the Boxer uprise, WOI and WOII, pearl diving in Japan, typical Dutch local traditions, but also portraits of celebrities, Dutch prime-ministers, members of royal families, etc. The archive's origin goes back to the Dutch publishing house 'De Spaarnestad, well known from magazines like the Katholieke Illustratie, Libelle and Panorama. Since 1986 Spaarnestad Photo has increased in quantity and quality by steady and active accumulation of archives, mainly from magazines, newspapers and press agencies.
In 2008 Spaarnestad Photo formed a strategic alliance with the Dutch National Archive - Nationaal Archief - in The Hague. Both institutions and their photo collections complement each other and are soon to be located in The Hague in 2010. In doing so, the archives of Spaarnestad Photo are secured for future use. The public as well as the professional will find all collections on one location. Spaarnestad Photo will maintain as an independent foundation with a focus on the professional commercial user.